

1. 個人情報の方針株式会社マグマスパジャパン(以下「当社」という)は、お客様からお預かりする個人情報が個人の人格尊重の理念の下に慎重に取扱われるべきものであることに鑑み、個人情報を取扱う企業の社会的責任をもって個人情報に関する法令を遵守し、以下の方針に基づき個人情報を適切に管理いたします。

2. 個人情報の利用目的当社は、お客様の氏名・ご住所・電話番号・生年月日・E-mailアドレスなどの個人情報および当社との取引情報を以下の目的で利用いたします。

3. 個人情報の提示開示当社は、お客様から収集させていただいた個人情報を、下記のいずれかに該当する場合を除き、第三者に提供・開示などをすることはありません。

4. 個人情報の安全管理当社は、個人情報の漏洩、滅失、毀損、不正アクセス等の防止その他個人情報の安全管理のために、必要かつ適切な措置を講じております。

5. 委託先の監督当社は、お客様に明示した利用目的の達成に必要な範囲で、個人情報に関する機密保持契約を締結している業務委託会社に対して、取扱いを委託する場合があります。

6. 個人情報の開示・訂正・利用停止等の問い合わせお客様の個人情報の開示・訂正・利用停止などの手続き、およびお問い合わせ等につきましては、お手数ですが下記お問い合わせ窓口までご連絡ください。

お客様相談室 TEL:03-5789-0111

受付時間 10:00-16:00 ※年末年始・土・日・祝休日は除く

Privacy Policy

1.Policy of Personal Information

Considering that the personal information we collect from our customers should be treated with care under the principle of respect for the individual, MAGMASPA JAPAN CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “we”), the company which deals with personal information, observe laws and ordinances about the personal information with social responsibility and manage personal information appropriately based on the following policies.

2.The Purpose of Using Personal Information

We use personal information, such as name, address, telephone number, date of birth, e-mail address, and the transactional details with us for the following purposes;
1) For delivery of products, related after-sale service, and announcements of new products and services
2) For the operation of our mail order business
3) For providing information of our other sales and marketing
4) For the credit management of the business with us
3.Presentation/Disclosure of Personal Information

We never provide or disclose personal information collected from our customers to a third party except for the case when we come under following one of them;

1)When personal information is offered with the succession of business due to merger, spin-off and transfer of operations
2)Cases based on laws and regulations
3)When there is a possibility that our customer or a third party’s life, body, property or other rights and interests to be harmed.
4)If there is a possibility of expecting significant impediment to the proper conduct of our business
5)When prior approval and agreement of our customer are obtained
4.Safety Management of Personal Information

We take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, damage, unauthorized access to information and to manage our customers’ personal information safely.

5.Supervision of Outsource

Within the range of purpose of use that we stated clearly to the customer, we may entrust outsourcing company to handle our business, who has signed a confidentiality agreement regarding personal information.

6.Inquiry about Disclosure, Correction, and Disusing Personal Information, etc.

Please contact the below for procedures and inquiries for disclosure, correction and disusing personal information;

* Customer service TEL: +81-3-5789-0111

* Office Hours: 10-16:00 JST (excluding year ends and New Year holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Japanese National Holidays)

Please read the above carefully and if you agree, please check the box below;
